chinese children summer workshop/new york 2000
Vocal/dramatic/body gesture work in the Opéra Brut style,
based on the animal fable "Le Renard et le Corbeau" by
De La Fontaine. Workshop given in French with students of the
Florentine Music School, New York.
workshop berlin 1990 (research for Macbeth Play I)
During a two-month period dancers from the Tanzfabrik Berlin
and the Opéra Brut Ensemble improvised together.
Body movement, light, and vocals with electronic effects became
the creative universe for Macbeth Play I directed by N.G.
workshop pisa/livorno 1987
Vocal/dramatic/body gesture work in the Opéra Brut style
based on text fragments from Goethe's Faust, with the students of the
Collesalvetti School of Dramatic Arts (Tuscany, Italy).
body gesture/Salomé 1985 (preparation for Salomé)
During a three-month period dancers, actors and singers were
trained in the body gesture language used in Salomé by N.G.