T A N G O L I Q U I D E -journal
Opéra Brut / nyc-paris
www.youtube.com/operabrut Nina Goedé roomopera@aol.com
direction > operabrut > playlists

Feb.-Dec. 2007 My Top Videos 9 Videos
A short introduction to Tangoliquide: starting with a diverse selection of clips from
. private and group practicas followed by a first Tangoliquide gathering.

Febr.-April 2007 Un stage expérimental-Tangoliquide 3 Videos
Tangoliquide is based on traditional Argentinean Tango and influenced by Tango Nuevo music. Above all, Tangoliquide is for Tango lovers with good musicality and balance.Tangoliq., a dance form where improvisation and creativity are
requirements, where within a dance, both partners are creating the movements; switching from open embrace to close embrace and from framing to non framing.This is an ongoing workshop for learning the "Tangoliquide" dancing. It is a way to open up for flexibility, connection and improvisation to create a dialogue between Tangopartners. No show dancing!! The goal is to let movements and steps happen organically and to learn to respond to your partner's unexpected moves and body gestures with unexpected gestures of your own. Staying in a dialogue with your partner is key; there is no leading / following rather, it is about connecting and creating together.

May- Dec.2007 La Cocina del Tangoliquide / Opéra Brut / nyc 8 Videos
an ongoing workshop / practica
... experiencing Tangoliquide dancing, there are no steps to learn .The goal is to open up for flexibility, to connect with your partner and the music. It's about improvisation and creating new aspects in Tango dancing; letting movements and steps happen and about learning to respond to your partner's movements in order to create a dialogue in the dance. Tangoliquide is Tango-dancing where improvisation and creativity are strongly required. Both partners are involved in creating the dance; searching for contact with their partner's feet and legs is an important aspect in the dance .

Oct.2007 A Tangoliquide Gathering / Opéra Brut / nyc-paris 6 Videos
... a social soirée in an experimental field for open-minded Tango lovers focused on bringing creativity to the dance. The Tangoliquide gatherings strive to incorporate other contemporary art disciplines: video projections with poetry, diverse dance expressions, new forms of teaching Tango, writing about diverse Tango Philosophies and experiences from around the world. Guests will be invited, to present their experimental proposals. Choice of music is a critical aspect to the gatherings; dancing to music from Piazzola and Pugliese, and to selected new music, inspired by Tango, will have a strong impact on the atmosphere and the dancing itself.